The Story Behind the Pixel

Hello, I‘m Ali Reza - a full stack developer with a passion for building pixel-perfect websites and web applications. My journey into the world of technology began when I was a school student, working as a technician for a small ISP company. From there, my interest in computer science grew, and I knew that I had found my calling.

Looking back at my journey so far, I was able to grab the opportunities to work in several organizations like Kateb University, Mustafa Group based in Dubai, and as a freelance, grow and develop my skills as a Full-stack developer, that led me to my current role in a Canadian base start-up. Furthermore, working on a variety of projects, including some of my own, has helped me build expertise in various areas of web development.

I believe that technology is a powerful tool that has the ability to bring people together and make their lives easier, especially in a world that is rapidly changing and presenting new challenges. That‘s why I‘m dedicated to creating intuitive, user-friendly digital experiences that help businesses and individuals achieve their goals.

When I‘m not busy coding, you can find me exploring the great outdoors or enjoying a hot cup of coffee. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a little better - I can‘t wait to work together and bring your ideas to life!

Skills and Expertise
















MS SQL Server


Git, GitHub


Adobe XD



Where I Worked

Full Stack DeveloperDec 2022 - Present

Ontario, Canada

As a Full Stack Developer, I bring expertise in CSS (Tailwind), React, NextJS, and Material UI (MUI). Currently, I am working in a remote capacity, leveraging my technical skills to deliver user-centered and visually appealing web experiences.

Next.jsStrapiGitBootstrapCSSSASSJSONVS CodeHTMLJavaScriptReact.js

Co-organizerAug 2017 - Oct 2021

Kabul, Afghanistan

As a co-organizer of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), I honed my skills in communication, networking, teamwork, leadership, and adaptability. I was also a member of the technical team responsible for setting up the contest network using Cisco switches and PC2 software, as well as developing the contest website and management system.

Network SwitchesPHPVS CodeHTMLphpJavaScript

Web Scraper and Data analystApr 2021 - Sep 2021

Kabul, Kabul Province, Afghanistan

Designed an online shopping store using WordPress. Experienced in data collection, organization, and analysis using Python, BeautifulSoup, Octoparse, and Tableau. Skilled in web scraping and visualizing data insights. Knowledgeable in database management.

PythonBeautifulSoupOctoparseTableauWeb ScrapingDatabase Management

Work Showcase

Hesab Ketab

The "Hesab Ketab" app simplifies monthly electricity and water bill calculation between neighbors and helps keep track of bills in Afghanistan. Utilized Google Flutter Framework as the mobile technology, PHP Laravel as the backend, RestAPI as the medium between client and server, and MySQL for data storage.

FlutterPHP LaravelRestAPIMySQL


The PARAS - REFUGEES GUIDE app is designed to aid refugees in finding the humanitarian services available to them in their host country. Developed using the Flutter Framework, this app has been localized in five languages, including English, Burmese, Bhutanese, Persian, and Pashto, for easy access and understanding by a wider audience.


Hair and beauty salon MIS and website

The goal of this project was to create an automated solution for beauty and haircut salons, to improve their management processes, and to promote their products. The result was a software solution that streamlined day-to-day operations and provided an effective platform for advertising.

PHP LaravelMySQLHTML5Bootstrap 4AJAX

Let‘s connect

We‘re just a conversation away over a cup of coffee - my treat! Whether you have a proposal, a question, or just want to chat, feel free to drop me a line or email me directly.

Stay connected